Mainstream Media Obsessess over the Vice President
While the MSM can't get past Dick Cheney not worrying over their feelings life goes on, as does news. Would'nt know it if you got your new from the MSM outlets however. While they are commiserating with each other and constantly whining about why they are not important enough to be first in Dick Cheney's thoughts the United States is considering selling an important part of 6 of its ports to a company owned by Dubai one of the seven Arab Emirates. While ostensibly our ally in the War on Terror the government of Dubai is wholly Muslim and don't expect anything other than hardline muslimism from them when push comes to shove.
Also not making the newswaves is the bounty places on the heads of the Danish cartoonists, not unless you read blogs that is. The Danish government has had to place the head of one of the more radical Islam schools under house arrest after he placed the bounty. His Muslim school offered to pay $25,000 and a new car to anyone who assassinated the cartoonist(he is evidently unaware that there is more than one cartoonist) and has a jeweler offering to pay an additional $1,000,000(One MIllion dollar) bounty for killing the cartoonist who has"insulted" Islam. If the Koran prohibits artwork of Muhammad(SUHN) now why didn't it prohibit artwork in the past when the Islams where creating things instead of destroying them? Back in the so-called golden age of Islam Muslims drew and painted beautiful artwork and among the most beautiful and admired of those works were images of Muhammed(SUHN) himself. Why don't they now discover in the Koran a prohibition against the bathtub or indoor plumbing that would go a long way towards making excuses for the living conditions they force on most of their believers!
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